Monday, November 16, 2009

Public Relations Review

I searched for new and interesting information about Scandinavian PR in the electronic database of the university. I found an interesting article published in "Public Relations Review".

Here is a small summary:
The article is about loyalty and conflict in the PR field in Norway. It is a study about ethics and ethical behavior. It focuses on loyalty between PR practitioners and their employers and PR practitioners and their target groups. The research was done with questionnaires, which 251 PR practitioners from the public and private sector answered.
The findings show that ethics is an important issue among PR practitioners. Many of them think that there are often ethical conflicts in the PR field. They perceive themselves as the ethical consciousness of the organization.
Regarding conflicts, they think the most conflicts occur with the management, followed by colleagues, media and target groups. But the loyalty to the management or employer is the highest. If there is a conflict, practitioners are often on the side of the management, not the target group.
The level of conflict rises proportionally to loyalty. Ethical issues often emerge through conflicts.

Well, if you are interested, read the article!



  1. Hi, that link you gave requires a password etc. Do you have any other "open" link, where I could read this article?

    I can also use Nelli, so this is not a big problem. Im just curious but little lazy... =)

  2. hhmm... when I open the article, i dont need any password. i try to figure out what the problem is... but it is from university library, so maybe just your student account?

  3. if someone is really interested in the article i can give the complete source:
    Knut Gabrielsen: Loyalty versus conflict in Norwegian practitioners. In: Public Relations Review 2004, Volume 30, Issue 3.

    You can find the magazine in the electronic database of the university library

  4. Yes, Im trying to open the pdf outside of the university's web, that's probably the reason why I can't get it open. But thanks for the complete information. With that I will find the article from Nelli's databse. =)

  5. hey!
    i noticed also that the article is in Kaja Tampere's sources ;)
